ObligaBlog Post

Hello Art Lovers,

I am certainly overdue for a posting! This past year has been really frought with uncertainties and  changes in my life. I've had A LOT of personal issues that have gotten in the way of my art. A divorce and a job change....2 elderly parents with rapidly developing dementia and alzheimer's have kept me out of the studio and away from the art fair circuit. 

I missed a few application deadlines because of it too. So as a result I'm doing way less art fairs this year. I managed to get a few of my favorites in though: like the Berkley Art Bash and the Funky Ferndale Art Fair. I was schedule to do the Royal Oak Artist's Market but they had to cancel. Which was sad because it's one of my favorites. Maybe next year.  I am also wait listed for The Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair. So that may still happen. It's a light year for me and art fairs. Which is okay. It gives me time to get back on my feet. Rearrange my life to include my art and perhaps explore some new art ideas in the down time. I've got a few things I've been meaning to try out. You may be amused...or amazed....by what's swirling around in my head these days.           So keep watching this space.....you never know what might turn up. But until then....get out there and ENJOY ART!!


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